Newsletter Edu
Gamedevs x Geek Teachers 🐾😻 Games For Change

Gamedevs x Geek Teachers 🐾😻 Games For Change

Margaret Wallace - Forbes-Listed CEO of Playmatics, passionate about gaming, digital media and pop culture.

We launched Gamedevs x Geek Teachers series to have a voice that talks about how and what needs to be changed about education globally and it worked - you’re reading this text, watching or listening to our podcast, and magnificent people join our voice to share their experience.

We feel like we’re making a difference by talking and connecting people but also by actually making a product that reflects everything that we’re dreaming about together with kids, teachers, educators and fellow makers.

It is easy for us to brag about ourselves, but it is priceless when people like Margaret come to our podcast to tell how Games For Change likes what we’re doing and how it is a big deal.

So yes, this episode is about how amazing we are and how Learning Factory and Learning Factory EDU are a big deal.

It is a bit funny to watch how shy I am about Margaret’s compliments and how I try to change the topic to something visionary or more neutral: STEM Your Game Challenge, Games For Change accelerator or even on Margaret’s podcast about Mr Robot series.

But now the day after the recording I feel blessed. The sense of approval is warming up my heart.

People, if Learning Factory has made your life a little better - please say so too!

Thank you to Mars and back for being with us πŸ’–.


Discussion about this podcast Newsletter Edu
This is all about adapting our video games for educational purposes.