Flashing news: The first 5 lessons of Learning Factory EDU are available along with teacher's guides on our website!
In this episode, we’re trying to look at Learning Factory EDU through teachers’ eyes and 3 of us have different takes that Kate thinks are biased. She insists that teachers are happy to use new tools and spend time learning them as long as their students are happier and do progress faster. The rest matters less. It is all about the students, you see?
Our videos are usually more dynamic with emotions and dialogue and drama, but here we’re sitting tight and listening to Kate telling us how teachers are superheroes with big hearts and passion for their work. 💖
We’ll bring in Kate and other educators more, stay with us!
Kate, Georgii and the team designed a proper detailed teachers’ guide with instructions, a requirements list and a troubleshooting guide. Teachers get these along with the Learning Factory EDU game for Mac, Windows and Linux for free.
Kate suggests teachers shall complete the levels before the class to have more context and Georgii insists that the structure of the game inspires students to focus on the solution rather than breaking the game.
If you’re a teacher or just a geek reading this and you feel like you want to play Learning Factory EDU, see the teacher’s guide and provide feedback - you’re welcome to our Discord channel or you can just leave a comment below.
Previous episodes of Gamedevs x Geek Teachers
Current status of Learning Factory EDU game
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